Pet Health Problems

Veterinary advice from John Burns BVMS MRCVS

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John Burns BVMS MRCVS"All the advice and information given here is based upon my extensive experience as a Veterinary Surgeon treating a wide range of common problems that affect our companion pets, such as skin and digestive problems, arthritis, teeth and gum disease, eczema, epilepsy, diabetes, and an understanding of how diet and lifestyle can affect pet health.

"There are many, many different chemical and physical reactions taking place in the body at all times. Although we can influence one or two of these by drugs, most of these reactions are being carried out by the body itself which is always working to be at its best - to absorb the nutrients it needs, to build and rebuild itself, to resist infection, to eliminate waste products and so on.

"A puppy or kitten instinctively knows more than the most skilled physician how to maintain normal health, when something has gone wrong, how to correct that and how to heal itself. This all happens in a subconscious, instinctive way as a result of billions of years of evolution from simple cells to complex mammals.This is the basis of the Principles of Natural Health Care.

"The most important and simplest way of promoting that process is through the choice of food. Needless to say, we humans have to make that choice on behalf of our pets.

"For a number of years I recommended my veterinary practice clients to avoid feeding proprietary pet foods but instead to feed a home-made diet of brown rice, vegetables and chicken, fish or meat sold for human consumption.

I hope that you find these pages useful"





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John Burns can be contacted at 99 Ferry Road, Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales, SA17 5EJ -
Tel 01554 890482 | Fax 01554 891476 | email

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