Many pets show signs of ear irritation
(head shaking and scratching) yet their ears are perfectly clean.
This should be considered and treated in exactly the same way
as Eczema/itchy skin.
Other dogs and cats with signs of
ear irritation have wax or sebaceous material in the ears. This
corresponds to Stage 1 of the
Development of Disease. These discharges provide an excellent
medium for the growth of bacteria, fungus and yeasts which combined
with the inflammation caused by self-mutilation, can rapidly progress
to severe ear infection.
Treatment usually involves eardrops
containing anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anti-fungal drugs
to break the cycle. This treatment will often be effective in
the short term but unfortunately the problem often recurs because
the cause is not being tackled.
Once again dietary intolerance can
be responsible for otitis.
Common pet health problems
John Burns Pet Health Management